Monday, April 21, 2014

Dave's Brewfarm

With the weather warming up we decided to make one of our token trips out to Dave's Brewfarm. We make the 1hr. pilgrimage a few times a year and find our visits to be like hanging out with a family member who has their own farm. Dave's beer is quite delicious and never ceases to impress us on each visit with his ever changing highly, creative menu. While I can't comment on the intricacies of the beer (I'll leave that to my husband), what I can note is perhaps the new found purpose of designated driver in return for sketching time. With so many new breweries popping up I can imagine this becoming a welcome compromise.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Union Depot - With MetroSketchers

So I've been secretly dying to check this place out ever since it was remodeled (I was also secretly dying to check it out before it was remodeled... urban spelunking anyone?). It's amazing to see a place not only go through such an involved remodeling effort, but come back to life in the original use it was intended for. Right now is a great time for sketching as it is open public space, and the light rail that will connect St. Paul and Minneapolis (finally) is not quite up and running yet.  Even with hoards of people though, I'm sure we'd still find a way to sketch.

The beautifully remodeled waiting room

One of my favorite parts of the gathering - sharing our sketches
Saint Paul above from the private rooftop deck for depot residents