Saturday, August 10, 2013

Webb Lake 2013


Every year this time of year (2nd week in August) my family goes up to a resort in Northern Minnesota on Webb Lake called Sperr's Point. This has been a tradition long before I was born that dates back to roughly the 1950's.  Our extended family along with our friends from Missouri more or less stage a take over of the resort for the week, renting out every single cabin. As of right now we all fit perfectly.

This year, unfortunately, I was not able to join my family for the whole week.  Instead, I was able to stay for two whole days (Sunday and Monday) and drove to work at 3:30am in the morning on Tuesday - with the assistance of diet cherry coke.

The above sketch is our designated cabin that we stay in ever year. Imagine if you will, 6 adults and one bathroom with a limited capacity of hot water, three bedrooms, and a small kitchen/living/dining room all rolled into one.  We stay very close as a family.

There is a lot to do up there, but mostly daily life seems to revolve around fishing, which is not quite my thing to say the least. My favorite place to sit and relax (typically over coffee in the morning or a drink in the evening) is our deck.  From here It's easy to see what everybody else is doing while under the shade of the large tree in front. This also made a great location for sketching as there was already a table out and it was an easy place to come back to at different points in the day.  It's easy to get sidetracked while relaxing on the lake.

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